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Mother Blessing

Inspired by the traditional Navajo Blessingway ceremony, a Mother Blessing is a ritual centered around honouring & celebrating a woman's journey into motherhood. Surrounded by your closest female friends & family, you can expect a day of lavishly crafted rituals to nourish you in preparation for your coming baby. 


Birth is a rite of passage, and every time a baby is born, a mother is also born (or reborn). The effects of this metamorphosis ripple out to the wider web of community. When we come together to acknowledge the significance of this transformation, we are giving space for the mother to let go of her old life and step into her new role.


We all come from our biological Mother and will eventually return to our Mother Earth. When we look to nature, she is abundant with life force, generous in her giving, and remarkably regenerative. This mothering energy is innate when the energy is there to give. 


I believe in the importance of mothering the mother. Attention and care is so joyfully and easily given to a newborn baby. Oftentimes, mothers are left deprived of this nourishing love and attention that would provide them with the energy to sustain the care that an infant needs. This shapes the way children develop, which inevitably shapes the generations to come. By nourishing the mother, we are simultaneously caring for all of life.


For this ceremony, we will gather in a space that feels most comfortable for you. We will have an opening circle to share the purpose of a Mother Blessing and to meet one another. To follow, we will transition into the heart of the ceremony, where you will be honoured, adorned, pampered, and offered loving affirmations, prayers, and wisdom to imbue you with energy to endure the path ahead. To close, we will circle again, weaving a web of connection beyond the circle to hold you through your passage. Afterwards, we will have a feast to celebrate!


Every part of this ceremony is meant to nourish the Mother, which makes it highly personal. What feels nourishing for one person may be different for another. My intention is to hold you at the center of this experience, honouring your yes's and no's, so that you feel truly heard, respected, and loved.


3 Hour Ceremony: $300

*15% off for doula clients

Closing the Bones

This ceremony is designed to support a woman's integration into motherhood during the postpartum period. Throughout pregnancy and birth, a woman's body shifts and expands significantly to accommodate baby's growth and prepare for her arrival. Along with the physical changes, a woman's spirit also expands as she grows into her new identity as a mother. Similar to a mother blessing ceremony, we can honour the mother in this precious postpartum time, giving acknowledgement for the massive journey she's endured and support her recovery. This ceremony can be powerful, even many years following the birth.


In your place of comfort, we will gather with a close circle of women friends and family, creating a cozy nest for you to be cleansed, massaged, wrapped in soft fabric, and held. The rituals offered can be altered to suite your comfort and wishes. My intention is to ensure that you feel in charge of how this ceremony is performed in order to make it the most healing and rejuvenating experience for you. 


During this ritual, a woman may experience any unresolved emotions that have manifested in pregnancy and through her birth experience. This is a beautiful moment to allow those feelings to arise and be felt in their fullness. 


Traditionally, a closing the bones begins with a cleansing herbal bath. We will follow up with an oil massage and then wrap you in long scarves and blankets to secure the physical body and recenter the spirit. In this cocoon, you will have space to rest until you feel ready to emerge.


3 Hour Ceremony: $300 

*15% off for doula clients

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